Friday, June 27, 2008

from "xo_tact"

Chasing faeries--this is one of the projections we're working with for this next performance; these are projected on a body through a gauze-y kind of cloth.  These are scary fuckin faeries, don't be fooled.  The performers here are Jenny Cohen and Eliza Zavala.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

from "Coyote Love"

from "Coyote Love"

Elina Zavala and Franc Gaxiola in "Coyote Love." (2008)

from "Deseo/Desire"

This is from "Deseo/Desire," a mediated performance created with Natalia Jaeger (she is the one who is responsible for the excellent video work here).  This piece focuses on media representations of desire, the realm of the dream (that's a loose catageory, but so are most categories I think...), and the vapid; we performed as talking heads with tense bodies in a talk show somewhere in the Americas, where we were constantly invaded and erased by representations and projections from the Surround.  Like most live performance, better to see it, of course, but this gives a good glimpse at some of the things we saw while we worked.  A big debt to Jelinek here, who's writings for theatre, translated by Gitta Honegger, and well as an untranslated interview between them, served as a sort of rhizomatic lynch-pin for this, and it's her (El-Frida's) words that we see here projected on the body and whispered on the ear of the person who seems to be you.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

xo_tic post post

This is Chris Danowski & Eva Hamilton in a version of the imaginary.  From "xo_tic" (2008).

MANIFESTO OF CROSSED ONTOLOGIES Everybody (and by everybody I don ’ t mean everybody I think I mean one person, and I mean you, in par...